Credits: Antonio Pele
Some of my teaching documents are available here
As passionate about our digital challenges, I mentor graduate students on GovTech, online harassment, Open Internet, .E.U GDPR (and other regulations), Metaverse, etc.
Artificial Intelligence. I am co-designing a course with Caitlin Mulholhand (2020 , 2021, 2022) open to faculties, lawmakers, students, regulators.
2020-2022: We also design course (PhD/Master in Law) on Democracy and New Technologies.
Other Teaching at PUC-Rio University (2014-present)
Graduate (Phd/Master Students)
- Critical Legal Theories
- Theories of Justice
- Contemporary French Critical Thinkers (2019-2020)
- May 68 as a Global Phenomenon (2018)
Undergraduate (Law)
Human Rights
Legal Philosophy
Political Philosophy
Teaching at Carlos III University, Madrid (2003-12)
I have created a special course "Curso de Humanidades" on Human Dignity (2008-present)
Graduate (Phd/Master Students)
The History of Human Rights
The Concept of Human Rights / Human dignity
Undergraduate (Business; Humanities; Law; Journalism)
Legal Philosophy
Political Philosophy
Ethics & Deontology
Legal Theory